Welcome to my capstone portfolio of work for the Master of Professional Studies degree in Cybersecurity Analytics and Operations degree program at Penn State University. This is part of the final class for this curriculum and provides a way to showcase the skills and knowledge gained through study in the program. To preserve academic integrity, some content is presented as links to shared documents on Google Drive and require permission to access. Please email me for access using the administration contact below.
Cyber Ranges is a two-part deliverable consisting of a rubric of criteria for evaluating cyber ranges along with an evaluation of three cyber ranges in the marketplace using the rubric developed.
Lab Reports will showcase work in a wide range of cybersecurity areas by presenting a lab report for each of the 12 labs experienced during this course.
Cybersecurity Jobs provides a matrix of jobs related to Cybersecurity along with the skillsets required.
Final Reflection provides a summary of this semester's activities along with a reflection on those activities, including overall performance in lab assignments as well as opportunities for improvement.